Are Your Defenses Ready?

Advanced Cyber Threats are Here!

>1,000 Businesses Use Black Talon’s EAGLEi Technology to
Protect Their Data and Their Revenue. What’s Stopping You?


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Industry Certified

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Black Talon’s proprietary EAGLEi technology not only provides top tier cybersecurity protection, but it also enables business leaders to visually verify their cybersecurity posture at a glance without the need for cyber or IT experience.

Security monitoring and malware protection for businesses.

EAGLEi technology utilizes both human eyes and an autonomous platform to protect your practice 24/7. Let our credentialed security specialists monitor your network to prevent an attack.

Black Talon Security

Tech GN has joined forces with Black Talon Security as a way to offer our clients advanced cybersecurity solutions and monitoring performed by a 3rd party cybersecurity company. Our partnership with Black Talon helps address the concerns that many of our clients have related to protecting their businesses from advanced forms of malware, ransomware and intrusions. Black Talon specializes in helping small and medium businesses protect themselves from a cyber event.

This partnership enables us to offer advanced monitoring and cybersecurity solutions to our clients that are performed by a 3rd party specialist. This also uniquely positions us to address the concerns that many of our clients have expressed related to protecting their business data and business continuity from advanced forms of malware, ransomware and intrusions.

Call us to have a conversation about how we can deploy Black Talon Security services at your business!

Complete Website Security

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Innovative Electronic Protection Of Your Office And Home Control Online

Complete And Effective Protection For Your Home And Office

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus quam neque quibusdam corrupti aspernatur corporis alias nisi dolorum expedita veritatis voluptates minima sapiente.

Complete And Effective Protection For Your Home And Office

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus quam neque quibusdam corrupti aspernatur corporis alias nisi dolorum expedita veritatis voluptates minima sapiente.

24/7 Cybersecurity Operation Center

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Security monitoring and malware protection for businesses.

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Happy Customer
0 K+
Uptime Server
0 %
Project Done
0 K+

Protecting your assets and your brand.

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Free Consultation

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Certified Professional Expert

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Security on a global scale

Elit taciti letius volutpat hac diam nostra bibendum platea adipiscing. Non aliquam massa phasellus donec vitae eu vestibulum.

24/7 Premium Support

Elit taciti letius volutpat hac diam nostra bibendum platea adipiscing. Non aliquam massa phasellus donec vitae eu vestibulum.


Secure your data, secure your future.

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Structural Weaknesses

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Increased & Evolving Threat

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Continuous Monitoring

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Widening Attack Surface

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The Simplest Pricing Plan to
Secure Your Data


Nam libero tempore soluta nobis eligendi quod maxime placeat possimus assumenda

$ 499
  • Encrypted Transactions
  • 24/7 Support Service
  • Automated Daily Backup
  • Free Hardware Included
  • Scan Every 12 Hours


Nam libero tempore soluta nobis eligendi quod maxime placeat possimus assumenda

$ 1099
  • Encrypted Transactions
  • 24/7 Support Service
  • Automated Daily Backup
  • Free Hardware Included
  • Scan Every 12 Hours


Nam libero tempore soluta nobis eligendi quod maxime placeat possimus assumenda

$ 1599
  • Encrypted Transactions
  • 24/7 Support Service
  • Automated Daily Backup
  • Free Hardware Included
  • Scan Every 12 Hours
LAN configuration
IT support services

What we do

Industry leaving services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

24/7 Feedback & Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Massive Online Community

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

We’ll take care of all your IT support needs

Daily Troubleshooting

Keep daily processes running smoothly and apply best practices with help from our experts.

Emergency Response

Work with experts who already know your business with rapid 24/7 response and our 5-step resolution process.

Strategic Planning

Benefit from our decades of experience to plan your IT strategy and anticipate future costs.

Work with a technology support partner who truly has your back.

As a small business based in Fairbanks, Alaska, we provide both remote and on-site services to businesses around the state. Our IT support staff are personable, knowledgeable, and responsive. We’re invested in your success as a business. Our customers benefit from:

it support settings

Ensure your business needs are met with a custom service level agreement

Top-Tier Support

We will work with you to create a service level agreement so you know exactly what to expect for IT issues such as network outages, response times, incident classification, and more. This will be tailored to the needs, size, and goals of your company, ensuring things run smoothly and cost-effectively. With certifications in SCADA security architecture, CISCO networking, and more, we have the industry-specific expertise needed to understand your priorities.

Software & Hardware Troubleshooting

Although critical outages require immediate attention, most of the tech issues your business deals with are more mundane. Tech GN provides support and troubleshooting for all your tech issues, whether you have a question about your email suite or want help with troublesome hardware. Our regular help desk is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alaska Time. And no matter how minor your issue is, you’ll still talk to a qualified expert who’s familiar with your business.

24/7 emergency support for unexpected failures

Some problems simply can’t wait. If your business has a critical technology failure, Tech GN will provide emergency support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And because we’re a small team of qualified experts, you won’t waste time talking to someone who doesn’t understand your business or your technology. Our 5-step resolution process will help solve your outage as quickly as possible.

IT strategic planning

We believe in proactively helping our customers improve their tech while reducing long-term costs. A key way to help with this is IT strategic planning. We can work with you to create a living document that will help you anticipate hardware expenses, reduce problems from aging technologies, and proactively maintain your technology solutions. With our over 50 years of IT experience, we can help you keep things simple, effective, and budget-conscious. And if your business is expecting to grow, we can work with you to prepare solutions to best support that.